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Web-stranice sveučilišnih klinika, edukativni materijali i kolekcije slika
Aberdeen University Department of Ophthalmology
Buffalo: Children's Hospital of Buffalo, Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology
Goteborg University (Sweden) - Dept. of Ophthalmology
Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany) - Departmentt of Ophthalmology
Nijmegen: Institute of Ophthalmology, University Hospital
Luebeck University, Department of Ophthalmology
London: University College of London, Institute of Ophthalmology
Oxford Eye Page
Cataract Home Ophthalmology Dept. McGill University
Chiba University, Department of Ophthalmology
Keio University of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology
Mie University School of Medicine, Japan, Department of Ophthalmology
Utah: University of Utah: Ophthalmic Pathology Kolekcija slika iz oftalmološke patologije
Harvard University - Schneppens Eye Research Center
Department of Ophthalmology Washington University, School of Medicine
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Yale University School of Medicine
Arizona: University of Arizona, Department of Ophthalmology
Iowa: University of Iowa
Eye Surgery Simulator - Georgia Institute of Technology: Informacije o simulatoru  vitreoretinalne kirurgije razvijenom u suradnji s Georgia Tech and Medical College of Georgia, Dept. of Ophthalmology
The Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Keratoconus (CLEK) Study
EyeNet home
Corneal Topography World Research Center
Robert Bendheim Digital Atlas of Ophthalmology
Australian National University - Centre for Visual Sciences
Clinica Oculistica Virtuale, Italia, Virtual Eye Center
Indiana University Optometry Visual Sciences Group
Jules Stein Eye Institute
University of California, San Diego, Department of Ophthalmology
University of Melbourne Department of Ophthalmology
Yale Vision Research Center
UIC Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
NEI Clinical Trials
Netting the Evidence Biostatistika, kliničke studije
PDR Informacije o lijekovima
WebVision Najsvježije informacije o retini sisavaca, sadrži filmove i animacije. Publicira je John Moran Eye Center (Dept. of Ophthalmology, University of Utah
Wilmer Eye Institute
American Eye Institute - G. B. Walman


Časopisi (hard copy i elektronski)
American Journal of Ophthalmology
American Orthoptic Journal
Archives of Ophthalmology
British Journal of Ophthalmology
British Medical Journal
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology
Eye News
Experimental Eye Research
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery
Journal of Ophthalmic Nursing & Technology
Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus
Journal of Refractive Surgery
Molecular Vision
Ocular Surgery News
Review of Ophthalmology

Udruženja i organizacije
The American Academy of Ophthalmology
Association for Research in Vision and ophthalmology (ARVO)
Doheny Eye Institute - University of Southern California School of Medicine
Japan Glaucoma Society
National Eye Institute, USA.
The Canadian Association of Optometrists
Japanese Retinitis Pigmentosa Society
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, Programme for the Prevention of Blindness and Deafness (PBD)
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research

The Digital Anatomist - a wonderful collection of slides, diagrams, 3D images, and video clips on clinical neuroanatomy. From the University of Washington.
The Global Brainstem - a thorough review of everything in the brainstem, including diagrams, slides, questions, and clinical notes. From the University of Wisconsin.
The Global Spinal Cord - another in the U. Wisconsin series, just as good. Reviews all of those tracts.
Cranial Nerve Review - also from U. Wisc., but really the Global Brainstem is a better source of information.
The Global Cerebellum - also from U. Wisc., a comprehensive tutorial on cerebellar function.
The Virtual Hospital - photos of actual pathology specimens from the University of Iowa. A fascinating site.
The Neuron and the Nervous System - basic (not clinical) neuroscience and electrophysiology are reviewed in this site.
General Overview of the Nervous System - a review of neuro-embryology and some key anatomical definitions.
The Whole Brain Atlas - great neuropathology images from a little hospital in Boston.
The Basal Ganglia - an extensive tutorial from the University of Manitoba.
Histology of the Eye - slides of every part of the eye, from Indiana U.
Neuroscience Vocabulary - an alphabetized glossary of neuroscience lingo, courtesy of the productive folks at U. of Wisconsin.
Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology on the Net

Informacije o proizvodima za oftalmologiju i optometriju
Review of Optometry Poduct Guide Home Page
1998 Eyecare Supply Catalog (Amcon)
Accura Automatic Edging System (Briot)

Accurus 400VS Vitreoretinal Surgical System (Alcon Surgical)
Accutome RX (Accutome Inc.)
Acular (Allergan)
Additions Multifocal (Sunsoft)
Ahmed Glaucoma Valve (New World Medical)
Alrex (Bausch & Lomb)
Apex Plus Laser System (Summit Technology)
Atlas Corneal Topography System (Humphrey)
Automatic Refractor/Keratometer (HARK) Model 599 (Humphrey)
AutoTopographer (Tomey)
Azopt (Alcon)
BAT & PAM (Marco Ophthalmic)
Biovid Ophthalmic Video Camera (LW Scientific)
Borish Vectographic Nearpoint Card II (Stereo Optical)
CD-ROM: "Visual Fields: Pathways to Interpretation" (Dicon)
CF-60UVI Fundus Camera (Canon USA)
CL-100 Computerized Lensmeter (Topcon)
Chiroflex C11UB Single Piece foldable IOL (Bausch & Lomb)
Ciloxan (Alcon Laboratories)
Coaxial-Plus 3.5v Ophthalmoscope (Welch Allyn)
Colvard Pupillometer (0asis)
ComfortKone (Metro Optics)
Contact Lens Wall Storage Unit (Fashion Optical Displays)
Copeland Optec 360 Retinoscope (Stereo Optical)
Cutting Instruments (Alcon)
CR6-45 NM Non-Mydiatic Retinal Camera (Canon)
CT-200 Corneal Topographer (Dicon)
CTK922 Topography/Keratography (Haag-Streit)
Dk lens (Paragon)
Dispensary Design (Eye Designs)

Diamond Knives (Accutome)
Emadine (Alcon)
EP-900 Series Automated Perimeters (Synemed)
EPIC-2100 Refraction System (Marco Ophthalmic)
Era 4106 Nd: YAG laser (Laserex Systems)
EyeChek KM Integrated Logic Keratometer (Reichert Ophthalmic)
Eye Drops #2 (Similasan)
EyeMap EH-290 Corneal Topography System (Alcon Surgical)
EyeScan (Tomey)
EyeScape Imaging Systems (Synemed)
Field Analyzer II (Humphrey)
Functional Acuity Contrast Testing (Stereo Optical)
GDx Nerve Fiber Analyzer (Laser Diagnostic Technologies)
GenTeal Lubricant Eye Drops (Ciba Vision)
Glaucoma Screening Lens Set (Volk)
Hand-Held Slit Lamp 904 (Haag-Streit)
Holladay Contrast Acuity Test (Stereo Optical)
Horizon III Patternless Edger System (National Optronics)
Human Allograft Tissue (New World Medical)
Indirect Ophthalmoscope (Propper)
Indirect Ophthalmoscopes 125 Series (Welch Allyn)
InterChange software (Humphrey)
Keratron Corneal Analyzer (Alliance Medical Marketing)
Komit True Imaging Systems (Kowa Optimed, Inc.)
Lambda 100 Retinometer (Heine)
LE-7070SX Patternless Edger (Santinelli)
Lens Analyzers (Humphrey)
LensChek Advanced Logic Lensometer (Reichert Ophthalmic)
Livostin (Ciba Vision)
Lotemax (Bausch & Lomb)
Longlife Project-O-Chart (Reichert Ophthalmic)
MaxiVision (Medical Ophthalmics)
MaximEyes Software (First Insight)
Metro-Seg & Metro Progressive bifocal lens (Metro Optics)
MetroSoft Toric (Metro Optics)
Moller Microsurgical EOS 900 Microscope (Haag-Streit)
Millennium Microsurgical System (Bausch & Lomb)
Multi-Wavelength Laser System MC-7000 (Nidek)
NM-100 Nonmydriatic Video Fundus Camera (Nidek)
The Octopus 1-2-3 automated perimeter (Haag-Streit)
OcuLight Photocoagulators (IRIS Medical)
OM 900 Ophthalmometer (Haag-Streit)
Omega 180 Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope (Heine)
Optec 2000/2500 Vision Testing System (Stereo Optical)
Optec 3000 Vision Tester (Stereo Optical)
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Scanner (Humphrey)
Optical Tools (Briot)
Patanol (Alcon Laboratories)
Pathfinder Corneal Analysis (Humphrey)
Parasol Punctal Occluder (Odyssey)
Portable Nd:YAG Lasers (Nidek)
Pop-Up Arcurate Diamond Knife (DSP)
Pupilscan II Hand-Held Pupilometer (Escalon Medical)
Randot Preschool Stereoacuity Test (Stereo Optical)
Randot Stereo Smile Test (Stereo Optical)
"Ready-Set" Punctum Plugs (FCI Ophthalmics)
Red Carpet Repair Program (Bausch & Lomb)
Reception Desk/Dispensing Table Unit (Ennco Display Systems)
Reliance Model 7800 Instrument Stand (Haag-Streit)
ReNu MultiPlus (Bausch & Lomb)
ReSeeVit Digital Video Imaging System (Veatch Ophthalmic)
Retina Tomograph/Flowmeter (HRT/F) (Heidelberg)
RK-5 Auto Ref-Keratometer
SaturEyes Soft Contact Lenses (Metro Optics)
Selectra P-O-C Advanced Projection System (Reichert Ophthalmic)
Sharpoint Restricted Depth Knives (Surgical Specialties)
Soflex LI61U three-piece foldable IOL (Bausch & Lomb Surgical)
Spectra B.I.O. (Keeler)
Stereopsis Tests (Stereo Optical)
Storz Profile Diamond Knife (Bausch & Lomb Surgical)
Stereo Tower Viewer-Free Stereo Vision Test (Synthetic Optics)
TearSaver Punctum Plugs (Ciba Vision)
Tearscope Plus (Keeler)
TheraTears (Advanced Vision Research)
3D+ALE-X1 3-D Patternless Edging System (Topcon America Corp.)
3-DX Stereo Fundus Camera (Nidek)
3-UP Power Lift, 3-Station Instrument Table (20/20 Medical Systems)
Timoptic-XE (Merck & Co., Inc.)
Tomey Trooper Autolensmeter (Tomey)
Transitions II Lenses (Transitions Optical)
Trusopt (Merck & Co., Inc.)
TX-10 Non-Contact Tonometer (Canon USA)
Ultramatic Rx Master Phoroptor (Reichert)
Vantage B.I.O. (Keeler)
Venus brand sterile products (Gulden Ophthalmics)
Vexol Ophthalmic Suspension (Alcon Laboratories)
Vista Hand-Held Topographer (Marco Technologies)
Vitman Surgical System (Syntec)
Wheelchair Access Slide (Veatch Ophthalmic)
Xcel Slit Lamps (Reichert Ophthalmic)
Xpert NCT Plus Advanced Logic Non-contact Tonometer (Reichert Ophthalmic)
Xstar Ophthalmic Knives (Becton Dickinson Surgical Systems)
Zeiss FF450 Fundus Camera (Humphrey)
Zeiss Visulas 532 Laser (Humphrey)
Zone Quick Tear Volume Testing (Lacrimedics)

Web stranice o proučavanju i prevenciji dijabetičke retinopatije
Ophthalmology, Retina, & Research: Joslin Diabetes Center

Diabetes Education and Research Centers
Centers for Disease Control
American Association of Diabetes Educators
American Diabetes Association
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Disease of the National Institutes of Health
The Schepens Eye Research Institute
Lions International
American Academy of Family Physicians
Retina: The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases
American College of Physicians
UCSD Retina Information Page
Diabetes 2000 na stranicama Američke oftalmološke akademije
Department of Health and Human Services

Linkovi o njezi i kvaliteti života dijabetičara
Health Care Financing Administration
HCFA Awards Contract to Test Measures
Patient Outcomes Research: Info on Article Reprint
Provider Recognition Program (ADA & NCQA)

Kompilacije, indeksi i liste 
CliniWeb - Oregon Health
Excite's Health & Medical listing
Medical Education Reference
Medical Education Resources
Med World's Clinical Medicine - Standford Medical School
Medical Sites on WWW - Columbia U.
Virtual Medical Center, The - A large index of multimedia medical education material available on the Internet
WebPath - The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education
Yahoo's Health listing
Ophthalmological WWW Review
Medscape Ophthalmology
Eye Resources

Grand Rounds, prikazi slučajeva, CME testovi
Archives Clinical Challenge
Cases of the Month
Oxford Eye Page
Retina Case of the Month
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology/Grand Rounds
Optcom Digital Grand Rounds
SUNY Buffalo Department of Ophthalmology
Wills Eye Hospital Chiefs' Rounds
"You Make the Diagnosis"
Continuing Education from Johnson & Johnson Vision Products
Digital Journal of Ophthalmology/Knowledge Review

Oftalmološki internet-forumi
International Society of Online Ophthalmologists

Types of Glaucoma
Background on Glaucoma
Eye Conditions & Services
Cannabis Guide ... Glaucoma
Genetics of Glaucoma